Artisans in Spice

Joba’s Hot Sauce is inspired by (and whimsically named after) my wonderful son-in-law whose motto must be “the hotter the better.” Founded in Arizona and lovingly made with only the freshest organic ingredients available, Joba’s Hot Sauce is hand-crafted one bottle at a time with peppers and naturally prepared fruits, herbs, and spices for a perfect balance of pleasure and pain, sweet and spicy.

We don’t want to make sauces that are just hot. Anyone can do that. We strive to bring to you sauces that are both hot and delicious with flavors uniquely our own that keep us all coming back for more.

And we don’t even think about using artificial ingredients, binders, thickeners, preservatives, and all those unnatural additives so common in too many other hot sauces. You deserve better.


Chrissie, Founder of Joba's Hot Sauce
Chrissie, Founder Joba's Hot Sauce

To sauce or not to sauce. That is the question.

No question! Sauce ‘em up with Joba’s!

Joba’s Hot Sauces are so delicious and fresh.

Listen for yourself!